The Shape of a Circle | Everyday Discipleship
For Disciple Makers: those who are intentional about the commission of Jesus in everyday life, those who want to extend their transformation in Jesus into transformation for others in their everyday circles of relationship, those who want to push the envelope of what it means to gather small groups and missional communities into discipleship. Expect super short equipping episodes on how everyday discipleship is shaped by your everyday relationships.
The Shape of a Circle | Everyday Discipleship
147. Getting the Nuances of Bible Genre into your Daily 20
Brian Hofmeister, Cammie Hronek
It makes a difference what kind of literature you are reading. You wouldn’t read Romeo & Juliet the same way you read National Graphic, or a Presidential address the same way you hear a love song, or listen to Anne Frank the same way you do with Harry Potter, so don’t read all the books in the Bible the same way. There are a least five major literary genres in Scripture to be aware of. More than a scholastic study tool to master, Cammie and Brian use this episode to tell stories of how they use Bible genres in their Daily 20 meeting with Jesus.