The Shape of a Circle | Everyday Discipleship
For Disciple Makers: those who are intentional about the commission of Jesus in everyday life, those who want to extend their transformation in Jesus into transformation for others in their everyday circles of relationship, those who want to push the envelope of what it means to gather small groups and missional communities into discipleship. Expect super short equipping episodes on how everyday discipleship is shaped by your everyday relationships.
The Shape of a Circle | Everyday Discipleship
146. Really White Questions: Are you Angry at me for being White and Rich?
Brian Hofmeister, Cammie Hronek
If white people don't get a clear straight forward answer to our last really white question, "What do you want me to do?" then the next question that spins off of that is something to the effect of, "Are you just Angry at me for being White and Rich?"
Rich white men are branded as the chief problem for minorities of nearly every circle. Is it true? Are they the problem? What is the most constructive way for rich white men to listen to and respond to the problem? What is the most constructive way for anyone under-privileged to voice their position to those with privledge?